Daigo Shishika
Assistant Professor George Mason University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering
University of Tokyo

Advisor: Keiji Kawachi
Bachelor’s thesis: The relation between heave control and pitch-angle in Bombus terrestris flight (in Japanese)
M.S. in Aerospace Engineering
University of Maryland

2012 – 2015
2015 – 2017
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering
University of Maryland

Advisor: Derek A. Paley
Collective Dynamics and Control Lab
Dissertation: “Mosquito-inspired swarming and pursuit for autonomous rotorcraft”
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Pennsylvania

GRASP Laboratory
Advisor: Vijay Kumar
2017 – 2020
2020 – Present
Assistant Professor
George Mason University

Department of Mechanical Engineering